About Us
A well established law firm in Polokwane, since 1976.
We strive at the utmost level of service to all clients from the man on the street to high profile correspondents from across the country.
We represent some of the biggest traditional councils around Limpopo with knowledge of traditional law we can assist in any traditional aspect.
With a great track record in personal injury claims mostly claims against the Road Accident Fund we have a dedicated team working on your claim to enable the best possible compensation for your injury.
Both directors are licensed business rescue practitioners and can assist in that specialised field of distressed businesses, if you are the distressed one or if you are a creditor to a company under business rescue we can provide you with sound advice regarding this relatively new field of law created by the new Companies Act.
Our corporate and commercial department is currently serving the biggest growing petroleum company in Limpopo, with ample businesses relying on our advise, your company will surely benefit from our advise and experience.
We currently act as correspondent attorneys for many high profile law firms in the country and strive to provide a professional service with a short turn around time.
With strong litigators we are attorneys not afraid to get our hands dirty, attending to Court is what we do, it keeps us on top of our game and up to date.